The FatSteak Club

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Taste test

Tasting your food as you're cooking is not only good practice, it's also one of life's little pleasures, especially when you're hungry and need to have a sneaky mouthful because you simply can't wait.

On more than one occasion I've tasted straight from the pot, made a correction then realised I've gone too far.

This little tip comes from one of my chef friends.

Put a spoonful of the piping hot goodness in a ramekin and allow it to cool down for 30 seconds.  

You will be able to taste the food properly rather than having to taste alongside trying to not burn your mouth.

One bonus tip for the win that my fellow FatSteak clubber Dave pointed - take a couple of spoonfuls into a ramekin and season lightly.  Taste, season again, taste, and finally over season.  This way are seasoning the main dish you know when to stop without ruining the whole pot.  Everyday's a school day.