The FatSteak Club

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Breakfast down under

When we are on holiday, fighting the jet lag, and possible hangovers, coffee is key. Love or hate the big chains, you are guaranteed a consistency of a caffeine buzz. My research into the cities of Australia showed a big coffee culture, but I wasn't prepared for how extensive the scene is, and how little we would miss Starbucks!

I'm a lover of a flat white, the strong espresso teamed with steamed milk. Australia and New Zealand fight over the rights to claim in their own. Either way I was in heaven down under, finding a perfect pick me up! 

We investigated two main areas of Sydney - Surrey Hills and Newtown. The cafe and coffee culture has hit full hipster in these locations, and knowing the difference between a flat white, long black and steampunk coffee was essential. To be honest, all of the staff we met were so friendly navigating the menu was simple. 

But this is a post for The FatSteak, so what about the food? Breakfast or brunch is the main reason to go, and here is where I finally understood the appeal of avocado on toast. Fresh Hass avo on toasted sourdough bread is a perfect start to the day, and the avocado is so different from what reaches us in the UK. Think creamy, soft, heavily flavoured avocado, perfect on the crunch of the toast. With or without egg, feta and hummus, the list was different in each cafe.  

I can highly recommend any of these places if you are travelling to Sydney

  • Single O - the prettiest avocado, feta, black sesame and beetroot hummus on rye toast
  • Blaq Piq - an 'interesting' angel hair pasta wrapped, deep fried haloumi cheese with poached eggs, but an excellent smashed avocado on sour dough with feta and a fresh tomato salad
  • Brewtown -  excellent menu, too much choice! Shaved ham eggs benny went down a treat though