The FatSteak Club

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BaconNut soup

It’s pretty straight forward, this one, and a great recipe to have in the armoury.

I’ve used it on plenty of occasions and it’s very versatile.  It was inspired from a recipe in Jun Tanaka’s book - Simple to Sensational where the squash soup is topped with scallops, a real dinner party treat that one. Here, it’s a bit more FatSteak Club than dinner party so I’ve spiced it up a little and added some bacon!

Step 1 - The Squash

  • Heat the oven to 180C

  • Peel and de-seed the squash

  • Chop up the squash, leek and onion

  • In a pot with a lid, melt a knob of butter with a good pinch of salt over a low heat

  • Add the veg, give it a good stir and put the lid on. They will steam and slowly soften, bringing out their natural sweetness.
    Give them a stir after 5 minutes. The steam should stop any sticking

  • Add 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika

  • Whilst this is going on, move onto your bacon

Step 2 - The Bacon

  • Get two baking trays and some greaseproof paper

  • Lay the bacon out on a sheet covered in paper

  • Cover with some more paper then top with the other baking sheet

  • Put in the oven for 20-30 minutes, until its nice and crispy

Step 3 - Finish

  • With the veg nice soft and sweet, transfer to a blender

  • Add some chicken stock, a good pinch of good salt and blitz until smooth

  • If it’s too gloopy, add some more stock until its as runny or thick as you like

  • On a board, roughly chop the bacon

  • When ready to serve, pour the soup in a bowl, give a drizzle of good extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle over the bacon


BaconNut Soup

  • 1 butternut squash

  • 1 red onion

  • 1 small leek

  • Butter

  • Smoked paprika

  • Smoked streaky bacon

  • Chicken stock (why not make your own? Check here)

  • Extra virgin olive oil