The FatSteak Club

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Butterflied BBQ leg of lamb

Some flavours don’t need to be messed with, they are classic for a reason. A prime example is lamb, garlic and rosemary. Most flavours can, however, be enhanced through the simple application of fire!

This butterflied leg of lamb is a good way to practice your knife skills if you bone your own. Remember to use the bone for a stock. A sharp knife is necessary for removing the bone and studding the flesh with garlic and herbs.

For the BBQ you will need indirect heat. If you have a big barrel BBQ light the coals on just one side and cook the lamb on the other. If you don’t have a BBQ or the weather is against you brown the meat in a large pan first then roast in the oven.


Step 1 - Bone your meat

  • If you have a good butcher, ask for a leg of lamb butterflied

  • If not, grab a sharp flexible boning knife

  • Move slowly and carefully around the bone with small cuts and work the bone free

  • Trim any big pieces of fat and gristle

  • Cut into the thick part of the leg and open out like a book so you end up with an even thickness of the meat


Step 2 - Flavour the flesh

  • Slice three or four cloves of garlic into small shards

  • Cut a slit into the meat, don’t go all the way through, and stuff with a piece of garlic and a sprig or rosemary

  • Do this as many times as you have patience on both sides of the meat

  • Give each side a good seasoning with salt and pepper

  • Rub in some olive oil, drizzle on some alcohol and leave to marinade whilst you get the fire ready

Step 3 - BBQ!

  • Build an indirect fire and heat the coals to white hot

  • Pop the lamb on the side without coals and shut the lid

  • Roast the lamb for around an hour, keep an close eye on it

  • An internal temp of around 54C for medium rare

  • Don’t skip the all important rest - up to an hour under foil, and remember the meat will keep cooking to a perfect medium

Slice thickly and serve, here I barbecued some slices of aubergine brushed with olive oil with feta crumbled over.


 Ingredients - Butterflied BBQ leg of lamb

  • 1kg leg of lamb

  • 4 cloves garlic

  • 1 bunch rosemary

  • Salt and pepper

  • Olive oil

  • Dry sherry, white port, white wine, whatever you have to hand