The FatSteak Club

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The B.E.R.ger

The B.E.Rger. Bacon, Egg & Rosti. In a bun!

This little beauty came out of a conversation with fellow FatSteak clubbers around homemade burgers and other such delights. I'd recently had a good ham, egg and chips around my way and I thought, 'Could you put that in a burger?'

So the game was afoot. The following day I took a detour via the shops looking for a decent piece of gammon or ham and then I saw it - a bacon steak! I can honestly say I never knew you could buy bacon in steak format, perfectly sized for a burger.

So with the pig element sorted, the egg a no brainer, it was onto the chips.

I could have just done some quality chips to go in a nice layer at the bottom, however, having swapped out the ham for bacon, it needed something a bit different. Enter the deep fried (of course) rosti.

With a plan hatched, it was a agonising wait until the kids were in bed to get the pots and pans out.

Bedtime stories done and fast forward an hour, I had a very special moment.

Just me, a very naughty burger and egg juice everywhere. Glorious.

Step 1 - Rostie

  • Get you oil on and heat it to 190C

  • Over a clean tea towel, grate a potato or two

  • Wrap up the potato and squeeze as much water out as you can

  • In a bowl, mix the grated potato, flour, salt, pepper and beaten egg

  • Mix it all well together and form up into a patty. I used a chef's ring to form it, removed it then squashed it down to the size of the burger bun

  • When the oil is hot enough, gently slide the rosti in

    Top tip: Be cautious, there is still a lot of water in the potato. Don't let it come off what ever you've lowered it into the hot oil with. You want to see where the oil settles when it bubbles up ensuring it doesn't go over the top of the pan

  • When it's started to brown and you have crispy bits hanging off it, pull it out rest it on some kitchen paper

Step 2 - Bacon

  • In a pan, with a splash of oil, fry your bacon steak until cooked

Step 3 - Eggs

  • I'm not going to step you through frying an egg, but it really does need to be runny to provide natures sauce for this dish. I like to double up my eggs where ever possible

Step 4 - and the Ger

  • With a cut burger bun, insides lightly toasted, commence your build

  • Add the rosti

  • Then bacon

  • Place your fried eggs gently on top and give them a good twist of salt and pepper

  • Finally top with your bun lid, being very careful not to crack the yolks until you’re ready

The B.E.R.ger

  • 1-2 potatoes depending on size

  • Salt & pepper

  • 1 tsp plain flour

  • 3 eggs (1 for the rosti and 2 for frying)

  • 1 bacon steak

  • Bun of your choice

  • Sunflower or vegetable oil for deep frying