The FatSteak Club

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Twice-cooked citrus pork

It’s the time of year when you want something simple and easy to prepare but gives great flavour. Dig out the slow cooker, prep the meat the night before, let it cook all day, then fry up and serve.

This will make your home smell great, and don’t skip the last step, the crispy bits are essential. The finished product makes for superb taco fillings, burger toppings, or a tasty bowl meal.

Step 1 - Dry rub your meat

  • Mix all of the dry spices in a small bowl

  • If your pork joint is tied, clip off the string

  • Coat the meat in the dry rub and put in a bowl
    Top tip: put everything in a zip lock food bag and massage the rub into the pork

  • Cover and sit in the fridge overnight


Step 2 - Slow and low

  • Put the pork into your slow cooker, fatty side to the top

  • Zest the orange, lemon and lime straight on to the top of the pork

  • Squeeze in the juice of half the orange, the whole lemon and whole lime around the edge

  • Sprinkle the top with Jalapeno peppers

  • Slow cook the meat for 10 - 12 hours on low

Step 3 - Shred and fry

  • Carefully remove the pork from the slow cooker

  • Tip the juices into a small pan

  • Put the juices over high heat and reduce by half

  • Cut / shred the pork into chunks

  • Heat a large frying pan and add half of the reduced liquid

  • Tip in half of the shredded meat

  • Fry until the meat starts to get crispy edges

  • Do this in batches, don’t overcrowd the pan

Step 4 - Serve

  • Thinly slice the onion and green pepper

  • Fry in coconut oil until soft

  • Serve the pork with the vegetables, a dollop of sour cream, some more jalapeno peppers, grated cheese and a scattering of fresh coriander


 Ingredients - Twice cooked citrus pork

  • 1.5kg shoulder pork

  • 1 tbsp cumin

  • 0.5 tbsp ancho grande chilli powder

  • 0.5 tbsp garlic powder

  • 0.5 tbsp oregano 

  • 0.5 tbsp Italian herbs

  • 0.5 tbsp smoked paprika 

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 0.5 tsp ground pepper

  • 1 x orange

  • 1 x lemon

  • 1 x lime 

  • 25g pickled jalapeno peppers

To serve

  • 1 x onion

  • 1 x green pepper

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

  • Sour cream

  • Grated cheese

  • Pickled jalapeno peppers

  • Chopped fresh coriander