The FatSteak Club

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For many years I always looked at spiralizers and thought "I don't need one of those". That was until last year. So what changed?

Over the last few years, I've been doing a lot more work in London.
Having frequented some of the great food markets available for lunches, on more than one occasion, this has had an adverse effect on my waistline over a short period of time. Especially when finding a new market, it's rude not to share the love and sample some of the delights on offer. Let's call it research!

So starting one of my virtuous cycles, I found a little place that served these amazing salads which rather than noodles had spiralised courgette at their base.
I'm not a massive fan of plain old courgette but with a little hot, sweet and sour dressing, this was a revelation. So a quick flick to the app and one was on its way.

One of the great things about this gadget is that the kids love using it. Anything that will go through it, they get stuck in and love spinning the handle and even eat veg that they would never eat if I'd cut it with a knife. So on that reason alone, from a parents point of view, it's a result.

However, a gadget which produces salads is not top of the list for FatSteak Club articles. Having discussed these with Dave, he suggested deep frying. Eureka! Simple really!

So with my 3 year old raring to go and inspiration from a chilli topping of deep-fried julienned sweet potatoes at the ready, we set to work. Having set it up with the fettuccine cutter (There are three blades - ribbon, fettuccine and spaghetti) and installed the peeled sweet potato, it was quickly dispatched into a range of short and long spirals. 

With a pan of vegetable oil at 180c, they were plunged in for a few minutes. Emptying onto some kitchen paper to remove the excess oil, they quickly crisped up. Just winning all the way to the last piece.

They taste great as they are but really sing with some salt and vinegar. A beer to help wash them down also works well.

The only downside is the space the spiralizer takes up in the cupboard but I have worse offenders lurking in there so it can stay!