The FatSteak Club

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Doughnut Cake

So I got hold of a new pan to make a cake that I did years ago but hadn’t got around to it yet. I was keen to use it for something, as it was gathering dust at the back of the cupboard. It has a hole in it and while spending the day huddled inside with the littlest on a cold, wet and windy day, we thought we would get some kitchen action in and make a massive doughnut……. well doughnut cake.

Following the baked doughnut recipe from earlier in the year, it was a simple case of making that, pour it and then bake for longer. Before you know it, you’re eating a healthy segment of a massive doughnut (cake) with a big cup of strong tea by the fire.


For ingredients or smaller versions see this recipe.


Step 1 - Mix

  • Heat your over to 200C

  • Combine the ingredients in a bowl

  • Get your electric whisk out until its well combined

  • Wipe your pan with some vegetable oil and kitchen paper

  • Pour the mixture in and let settle evenly


Step 2 - Bake

  • Put it in the oven for 15 minutes then check it with a sharp knife. If it doesn’t come out clean put it back in for another 5 and repeat until done

  • When it’s done pull it out, flip it on a rack and let it cool

Step 3 - The Glaze

  • Mix up the glaze ingredients and pour it back into the cake tin

  • With a plat below the rack, put the doughnut in with any spit facing up

  • Squish the doughnut around and then flip back onto the rack, pouring any excess back over it

  • Add your topping of choice. I like sprinkles

  • Slice and serve as required

Doughnut Cake


  • 2 cups plain flour

  • 3/4 cup caster sugar

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • 3/4 cup buttermilk (or whole milk + 2 tsp lemon juice)

  • 2 eggs, lightly whisked

  • 2 tbsp melted butter


  • Plain sugar glaze

  • 1 cup of Icing sugar

  • 2 tbsp water

  • 1 tsp of food colouring

  • Add 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract to the base glaze for a little extra flavour