The FatSteak Club

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Hash Browns

I always think that whilst not essential to a good fry up, the hash brown is always a very welcomed Brucie bonus.

Not something I have at home that often and generally associate with hangovers or with staying in hotels from the help-yourself buffet, whilst helping mitigate a hangover!

The trick to a good hash brown is to put some love into your onions and to roughly squish the potatoes. You want some texture, not mashed potato.

For this recipe, I used the scooped out potato from my potato skins.

One final thing, to make sure that they were as good as they could be, I obviously deep-fried them.

Step 1 - Onions

  • Dice up your onion, not too fine

  • Sweat off in a pan with a little butter and salt over low heat
    Make sure they don’t burn

  • When they are just soft, set aside


Step 2 - Make your browns

  • Heat some oil to 180C ready for some deep frying, though these can be pan-fried as well

  • In a bowl, loosely squash cooked potato but make sure it’s not mash

  • Add in the cooked onions, a spoonful of flour, an egg yolk and a decent pinch of salt and pepper

  • Mix it all together with a fork, again being careful to make sure to keep the texture

  • Oil a plate so that the browns won’t stick when being made

  • When combined, using a chefs ring on a plate, add some of the mixture and press down

  • Remove the ring and flatten to about 2cm thick

  • When ready, cook these until golden brown


Hash Browns

  • Cooked potato

  • Red onion

  • Butter

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tbsp plain flour