The FatSteak Club

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Lamb sharwarma

Who doesn’t like a kebab? Certainly, the FatSteak Clubbers all enjoy a pile of succulent spiced lamb wrapped in a warm bread. When I dug this recipe out of my big box of ‘things I want to cook’ when preparing a Middle East feast, I absolutely had to make it. It was so good it will be done again and again in my kitchen. The original used a shoulder of lamb but I used leg with the same amazing results. Combined with a brilliant recipe for quick and simple flatbreads and a simple slaw (brightened with pomegranate seeds) it was divine.


Step 1 - Prepare the meat

  • Preheat the oven to 240 C.

  • Chop the onions roughly and place half in a small food processor.

  • Add the ras el hanout along with the salt and a good grind of pepper.

  • Blend to a paste (that has an amazing aroma!).

  • Put the rest of the onions in an ovenproof pot to create a bed on the base and place the lamb joint on top.

  • Smear the paste all over the joint and place the pot uncovered in the oven.


Step 2 - Slow cooking

  • After 30 minutes roasting the joint will have browned nicely, see picture below.

  • Pour in enough water to reach halfway up the joint and then cover and return to the oven at 200 C.

  • Cook for a further 3 hours turning the heat down to 180 C after the first hour. Remove the dish and baste the joint with the juices every half hour.

  • After this time the meat should be falling off the bone, the liquid all gone and the onions melted into a sticky crust. Flake the meat off, suck the bone and serve.

Step 3 - Flatbreads

  • Blend the flour, baking powder, milk and salt in a food mixer until you get a sticky dough.

  • Roll the dough out on a very floury kitchen surface and form into 4 thin discs just under the size of your frying pan.

  • Heat the za’atar, butter and garlic in a small pan to a sizzle.

  • Heat your largest frying pan and then cook the flatbread dough one at a time for roughly 1 to 2 minutes each side until it bubbles and browns nicely. Smear the za’atar butter over and serve immediately.



  • 1 large or 2 medium onions

  • 2 tbsp ras el hanout (a middle eastern spice blend)

  • 1 - 1.5 kg lamb joint on the bone

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 200g Plain flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 150ml milk

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 tbsp za’atar

  • 50g butter

  • 1 clove garlic