The FatSteak Club

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Little Pancakes

Pancakes are a staple breakfast request in our mad house from my two hungry lads.
Nothing gets them downstairs to the table and quiet faster than “Pancakes are ready” shouted over the noise of the extractor fan.

A while back I wrote an article about the usually large pancakes I serve the boys from my Stella skillet, however, I thought I would try something a little different and provide a stack of smaller scotch pancakes covered in all the good stuff.

The little one loves golden syrup and the big one is all about the lemon and sugar.
All winners in my book, but obviously I had to taste test both of their stacks to make sure!

It’s a simple as making pancakes really, the only difference is that the ratio to provide a thicker batter so it stays small and thick and doesn’t spread too far when dropped onto the pan, hence their other name, drop scones.

I like to blitz my batter in a blender as its quick, easy, avoids lumps and super easy to clean but a whisk works well too if you want the exercise.

Step 1 - The Batter

  • Put your pan on to the heat, you want it pretty hot

  • Add all your ingredients except the oil into a bowl

  • Mix well until there are no lumps


Step 2 - The Cook

  • Add a little of the oil or ghee to the hot pan then wipe it around with some kitchen paper. You don’t want any pools of oil, the wipe will just help with them not sticking

  • Carefully pour the pancakes out until they are the desired size, just bear in mind they will grow a little after you stop pouring

  • When bubbles start to show on top and the edges start to be rounded, give them a flip

  • They are ready when the are just brown on both sides

Scotch Pancakes

  • 200g plain flour

  • 300ml milk

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 pinch fine salt

  • 1 pinch of bicarb of soda

  • Vegetable oil or ghee for the pan