The FatSteak Club

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OxBeef Stew

I always keep an eye out for the sturdier cuts of meat which are perfect for some one-pot action. On this occasion I saw a small pile of oxtail, shin of beef and an ox cheek sat there. Clearing the butcher out of these three delights I was good to go for some long and slow.

With oxtail, you are guaranteed a standout flavour from the meat and bones. The cheek and shin add an additional layer of taste and texture to the dish which delivers a solid beef stew full of richness and warmth.

Now usually when cooking a stew, I cook for about 12 people and have plenty of leftovers.  On this occasion, however, I was limited by what the butcher had left so only cooked enough for 4-6 people.  You can definitely double up the recipe, apart from the bay leaves.

Step 1 - The Meat

  • Roughly dice the meat up
    Tip: Count how many pieces of Oxtail your have

  • Score the large pieces of oxtail to the bone

  • Cover them in flour

  • Fry them off in batches in a good knob of lard until brown

  • When finished, deglaze the pot with beer, ale or a stout, getting as much of the sticky brown flavour off the bottom (Red wine would work equally well for a different but equally good result)

  • Pour out and keep the liquor to one side

Step 2 - The Veg

  • Roughly dice up all the veg

  • Turn the heat down to low under the pot

  • Add a good knob of butter

  • Put all the veg in, add some salt and give it a good stir

  • Put the lid on so the veg sweats off

  • Giving it the occasional stir, leave covered for 20-30 minutes

Step 3 - The Wait

  • Set the oven to 160C

  • Add the meat and the liquor to the veg

  • Add the following:

    • 4 bay leaves

    • Heaped tsp of English Mustard

    • Two heaped tsp of tomato puree

    • Splash of soy sauce

    • Splash of sherry vinegar

    • Crushed garlic clove

    • Splash of Worcestershire sauce

  • Give everything a good stir so it's well mixed

  • Finally, add the stock. I added about 800ml which covered the contents by about an inch

  • Put on the lid and pop into the preheated oven



Step 4 - Wait some more

  • After about 4 hours, the mixture should have reduced and darkened

  • Find a piece of Oxtail, the meat should fall off the bone.
    If it doesn't put back in and wait a bit longer until it does

  • If the stew is looking a little dry, top it up with more stock

  • Pull out all the pieces of Oxtail. This is where the counting comes in from Stage 1

  • Shred all the meat from the bones and put them back into the pot. The bones can be binned now as they have done their job

  • Cover with a cartouche to minimise further reduction of the liquid

  • Cook for another couple of hours with the lid on



Serve up with some delicious mash and greens.

OxBeef Stew

Serves 4-6 people

  • Oxtail - 500g

  • Ox cheek - 200g

  • Beef shin - 350g

  • 3 carrots

  • 1 Leek

  • 2 onions

  • 2 celery sticks

  • Beef Stock

  • Beer, ale or stout

  • English mustard

  • Tomato puree

  • Bay leaves

  • Soy sauce

  • Worcestershire sauce

  • Sherry vinegar

  • Garlic clove

  • Thyme

  • Butter

  • Lard

  • Flour