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Patatas Bravas

This is a dish that really needs no introduction, especially if you are a lover of tapas and partial to all things potato based.

It's another one of those dishes that everyone seems to do differently. I've made plenty over the years and eaten even more out, and it's always felt like one of those dishes that's been tailored to the British. Some plain old potatoes with some generic spicy sauce over the top. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining but it's never a stand out dish, just good old spuds in some nice sauce.

So for some reason, it had never occurred to me to look it up in my now trusty favourite Spanish cookbook 1080,  to see how the Ortega's server it up. Well, I was surprised to find the sauce was more of a dressing and it was served cold. Promptly I boiled some spuds, waited for them to cool off and served with the dressing. This was winning and an amazing little treat with a cold beer.

However, this adaptation is a hot version so consider this article a two for one bonus. The same recipe, just remove the heat!

One tip, harder waxier potatoes work best but I have used your standard roastie spud and it works, but your Bravas will be a bit fluffier.


Step 1 - The spud

  • Bring a pan of salted water to the boil
  • Chop up your spuds so they are roughly the same size, I like the larger ones quartered, the smaller ones halved
  • Add your potatoes and cook until just soft all the way through


Step 2 - Make the dressing

  • Finely chop up the garlic and chilli
  • In a jam jar add all the ingredients (except the potatoes!), tighten the lid and give it a good shake


Step 3 - Bravas up that Patatas

  • Serve the potatoes in a bowl
  • Removing the metal lid from the jam jar and heat up the dressing in a microwave for 30 seconds. Be careful, the jar will be hot!
  • Pour over the potatoes and serve

Another option, which I also like, is to drain the potatoes, return to the pan and add the dressing there so they are evenly covered. This saves on the microwave step.

When doing it this way though, it is less aescetically pleasing as you get less contrast between the sauce and the white of the potatoes as you can see below. 
I also used chilli flakes rather than a chilli as I didn't have one.

Both are top drawer little spud dishes but I prefer the sauce over the top given the choice.


Patatas Bravas

  • 400g salad potatoes
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 red chilli (or use a pinch of chilli flakes)
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp sherry vinegar
  • 1 tsp of smoked paprika 
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt and pepper