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Magic Pies

Most of us have kitchen gadget relics lurking at the back of our cupboards somewhere and this article is about one that’s been around a long long time.
Back in the 90’s my Nan loved a bit of QVC and one of those purchases was a Breville Pie magic. Obviously it was never used but she passed it onto me when I first moved out of home. 20 years later, it’s still going strong, getting an outing on average every 2-3 years.

This was one of those outings.

This post doesn’t give and recipes but it does contain an quick and easy way to make curry pies, or what ever filling you may choose!

Now would I buy a pie maker myself if I didn’t have one? Probably not, but I do have one and it makes pies, which I like. This fact combined with the sentimental value means it will remain a cupboard lurker for years to come, occasionally fighting it’s way up to the work surface to produce some pastry based wonders before withdrawing to the back of the shelf for a long earned rest.


Tips for Magic Pies!

  • Make sure your filling is not too wet. If it is, reduce it in a frying pan

  • Don’t make the pastry lid too thick or you get excessive spread and mixture leakage (Not a big issue but makes a mess)

  • Don’t put the pies into it cold, run the Pie Magic for a few minutes first

  • Give it a wipe around with a little oil or lard on kitchen paper before putting the pastry in

  • The Pie Magic loves left overs. Stews, curries, chillis etc. All good candidates

  • Bread works too instead of pastry. I’ve made cheese and ham toastie pie’s before


Magic Pies

  • 1 Pie Magic

  • 1 sheet of ready made shortcrust pastry

  • Filling of your choice

  • A little oil or lard