The FatSteak Club

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Wrap up your Prawns

FatSteak street food doesn't always need to be meat and bread with some deep fried action going on (though this does always appeal!). This dish is a fresh little number, pretty much healthy but still packs all the good things that make you go mmm.

It has been adapted from a recipe for prawn tacos in Death by Buritto, a great book worthy of a place in any cookbook enthusiasts collection.

One of the stars and bonuses of this dish is the confit tomatoes and the oil that's left over. They go great with all sort of dishes and the oil is perfect for adding to dishes, drizzling over some pasta or using in a salad dressing.


Step 1 - Confit your tomatoes

  • Heat the oven to 100C
  • Cut the tomatoes in half and put in a baking dish, cut side up until full
  • Fill with oil until covered
  • Evenly sprinkle with salt and sugar
  • Cover with fresh thyme and dried oregano
  • Leave in the oven for a few hours, checking occasionally. Remove when they start to shrivel. Don't let them burn though!
  • When finished, pop in an air-tight sterilised jar
  • Once cooled this can be kept in the fridge for at least a week


Step 2 - Make the pink mayo

  • On a hob, reduce the pomegranate juice down to a thick syrup, pour into a jam jar and let cool
  • Add the mayo and mix well
  • Add the lime juice and mix again
    #Tip: Make it all in a jam jar to start with rather than in a ramekin and then into a jar like in the photos!


Step 3 - Prep the greens

  • Slice up the lettuce
  • Cut an avo in half, remove the skin and stone then slice 


Step 4 - Cook the prawns

  • Heat up a heavy based frying pan
  • Slice a red chilli
  • Add a splash of oil to the pan
  • Throw in the chilli and prawns and cook until just warm through


Step 5 - That's a wrap

  • Take your wrap, some taste better being warmed through in the oven first
  • Add a layer of lettuce down the middle
  • Drizzle some of the pink mayo
  • Lay pieces of avo down the middle
  • Place tomatoes on top
  • Add a row of prawns ensuring you get some of the chilli with it
  • Finally, add a sprinkling of pomegranate seeds over it.
    Let your eagerly awaiting diners wrap it up themselves, everyone has their own way.


Prawn Wraps

Serves 4 x 12" wraps

Confit tomatoes

  • A decent bag of cherry tomatoes
  • Sunflower oil
  • Salt
  • Dried oregano
  • Fresh thyme 

Pomegranate mayo

  • Pomegranate juice (Not from concentrate)
  • Full fat mayonnaise
  • 1 lime

The Wrap

  • 4 x 12" Floured wrap
  • Cos lettuce
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lime
  • 2 Haas avocados
  • 1 red chilli
  • Raw prawns de-headed and peeled
  • 1 pomegranate - de-husks and seeded