Proper Custard

I'll admit it, I have been known to impatiently knocked up a batch of Bird's or microwave some Ambrosia and eat it straight up from the bowl. I've got no shame here. Custard is delicious, and we're all about enjoying things to their heart’s content here. But what if you want things to be a little more classy and gourmet? In that case, read on and find out how you can make a delicious vanilla custard from some simple kitchen staples.
Step 1 - Milk
Heat the milk and vanilla paste in a saucepan over medium heat until hot but not boiling.
Step 2 - Eggs
Whilst the milk is warming, separate the yolks and whites of the eggs and add the yolks to a large mixing bowl.
Top tip: Don't throw away the whites, save them for making meringues or thickening cocktails!Whisk the sugar and cornflour into the yolks.
Once the milk is hot, take it off the heat.
Take a ladle and very gently add a small splash of the hot milk to the yolk mix and whisk immediately. You want to be gentle here as we're trying to temper the yolks, not scramble them. Repeat this with the rest of the ladle while you continue to whisk.
Gradually add a few more ladles, continuing to whisk diligently.
Step 3 - Custard
Add the yolk and milk mixture back to the saucepan of remaining milk and set back on a medium heat.
Simmer and whisk until your desired consistency is reached.
Serve generously over your favourite pudding. If you're stuck for ideas, we recommend this delicious steamed pudding or a classic crumble.
300ml milk
1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or half a scraped out pod)
2 eggs
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp cornflour