The FatSteak Club

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Black Pudding Scotch Egg

Until this, I’d never made any kind of Scotch egg. I’ve certainly eaten more than a few though! Having spied one in a deli whilst grabbing a sandwich and being suitably impressed with it, I realised that I had sausage meat and black pudding in the freezer.
With some homemade breadcrumbs made from my stale white loaf , I was set to go.

The end result was glorious I have to say, though not on the small or light side. I certainly didn’t shy away from the sausage meat on this one.

Step 1 - The Egg

  • For the egg, I boiled mine for 5 minutes on a just rolling boil so it would still be a little runny in the middle (it will get cooked a little more during deep frying)

  • When done, drop it into some cold water for a couple of minutes

  • Peel it and you are set to start scotching

  • Whilst you prep the egg, put your oil on, you need it to be at 180C when you are ready to start frying

Step 2 - The Pudding

  • Get a large sheet of grease proof paper and rub a little oil over it

  • In a bowl, break up 3 decent slices of black pudding

  • Put in the microwave to warm through for 1-2 minutes. Do this in gradual blasts, you want it to be warm enough to start to come together, but not overly hot or over-cooked

  • Lay out in a circle which is as wide is the egg is round
    TIP: Mark an egg and roll it across

  • Add another layer of oiled grease proof paper and flatten the pudding mix so it all comes together. I used a large chopping board on top and pressed down

  • Remove the top layer of paper and add the egg in the centre, move to the whole thing to a bowl

  • Bring it all together and then tighten it up so that the egg is completely covered by the black pudding

Step 3 - The Sausage Meat

  • Using the top sheet of greaseproof paper from the black pudding stage, lay out the sausage meat in a large circle and spread it out

  • You can repeat the method of pressing between two layers of paper as before if you want it thin

  • Lay the black pudding covered egg in the centre

  • As before, move to a bowl and bring it together. If you have a gap at the top, add a little more sausage meat on to the top of the ball

Step 4 - Crumb Up and Fry

  • In a bowl beat an egg

  • In another, pour in a load of bread crumbs

  • Rather than use flour, I use the bread crumbs as the first layer. Roll the sausage meated, black puddinged egg so it is well covered in crumbs

  • Then add to the egg and back into the bread crumbs

  • Repeat until all the beaten egg has gone, this should be at least 3 coatings

  • With the oil ready, gently lower the Scotch egg in. Be careful, it will displace a lot of oil so don’t just drop it in

  • To cook the sausage meat properly and not over cook the breadcrumbs, it should take about 5 minutes. The black pudding is already cooked so you don’t need to worry about that

  • Pull it out and rest it on some kitchen roll

  • See how long you can wait before you dive in!!

Black Pudding Scotch Egg

The weights here aren’t particularly accurate so you will probably have some left over or make 2 smaller ones to use it all up.

  • 2 large eggs (1 for scotching, 1 for crumbing)

  • 200g black pudding

  • 350g sausage meat

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Vegetable oil for deep frying