The FatSteak Club

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Restaurant style Potato Dauphinoise

There’s no improving on the creamy, garlic laden perfection of Adam’s potato dauphinoise recipe for taste. So I didn’t. But when it comes to dinner parties, here is a way to achieve that restaurant-style geometric perfection, and save you time when assembling the dish because most of it you can do in advance.


Step 1 - Assemble the dish

  • Follow Adam’s recipe to slice and layer the potatoes but ideally use an oblong dish.

  • Cover the potatoes with the cream mix but omit the cheese topping.

  • Bake the same until the top is golden and the potatoes yield easily to a knife.

  • Remove and cool a little.


Step 2 - Compress!

  • Place another, slightly smaller dish (should work with the same sized dish if they stack) on top of the cooled dauphinoise, and weigh it down with something fairly heavy.
    Top tip: you may have to decant squeezed out cream at this stage.

  • Refrigerate for at least 3 hours up to overnight.

  • 30 minutes before using as a side, preheat the oven to 180 C and remove from the fridge.

  • Take off the top dish and with a sharp knife neatly cut equal portions. These should hold well and have attractive layers on the edges.

  • Pop in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes until sizzling and golden and serve to impress.