The FatSteak Club

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Retro Chipper

We are big fans of chips at the FatSteak Club, see Mike’s cracking cheesy chips and gravy or some gadget action with a chipper. Following on from these, it’s time to take you back to the 80’s when crinkle cut chips in a basket watching the A-team, Wonder Woman and The Tripods on a Saturday afternoon was the height of awesomeness.

So with very little digging I found a hand crinkle cutter, promptly placed the order and eagerly anticipated the weekend.

When it turned up, I have to say I was impressed, it’s more like a Klingon Bat’leth than the potato chipper I remember of old. Suitably impressed and the spuds peeled, I got to work.

It made light work of the potatoes, sharp enough but not razor blade sharp which is good, as it’s not your standard cutting action, fingers do feel a little close if there’s a slip.

From there, it was standard chip cooking all the way so no need to write the recipe here, for some top drawer action, see Mike’s recipe above.

The crinkle cut chips won the thumbs up (Not that my chips ever get the thumbs down!!!) from my eldest and the boss so a good investment for sure.

Nostalgia level 100 achieved.