The FatSteak Club

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Roasted rhubarb

A couple of years ago, whilst clearing out an overgrown area of the garden, we stumbled upon some very large rhubarb leaves. We had struck gold and found a mature plant. We rested the plant and looked after it for a couple of years and now can rely on a plentiful supply of rhubarb. Despite going to seed this year the crown bounced back and now the amount of rhubarb is approaching too much. Thank goodness for the freezer, and many willing friends who take the excess.

Although this is a simple recipe to roast rhubarb, once you have a batch made you can use it in a lot of dishes. Top with a creme brulee, fold into a fool, deviate from an Eton Mess, the list is endless. The key instruction is to taste a piece of the finished product to determine how sweet or sharp it it, and tweak your end product accordingly.

I had some leftover creme fraiche to use, so after tasting the rhubarb, and finding it quite sharp, I sweetened the creme and served it alongside.


Step 1 - Roast your rhubarb

  • Heat your oven to 200C / gas mark 6
  • Clean and wipe down the rhubarb
  • Cut into 3" pieces
  • Cut in half lengthwise if thick
  • Put in a roasting tin or shallow tray and sprinkle with sugar
  • Roast for 20 - 30 minutes until tender and releaseing juices, but not so it has turned to mush
  • Refrigerate until needed


Step 2 - Sweeten your cream

  • Sieve icing sugar into the creme fraiche
  • Add the vanilla extract
  • Mix well
  • Add more sugar depending on how sweet or sharp your rhubarb is
  • Serve with a sprinkling of something crunchy - almonds, toasted pinenuts, crushed hazlenuts, whatever is at hand



Ingredients - Roasted Rhubarb

  • 5 sticks of rhubarb
  • Golden caster sugar
  • 200g creme fraiche
  • 1 - 2 tbps icing sugar depending on taste
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla extract
  • Toasted nuts