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Warm Brussel Sprout Caesar Salad

It’s that time of year where comfort food cooks get excited.  Dark, cold wintery days demand food that is warming, but for me it also brings the excitement of Brussel Sprouts!

I am in firmly in the camp of liking the small green flavour bombs, and am trying to convert as many people as possible.

This quick and easy dish can either be a side to a main course, or you can add mushrooms, or any other left overs and make a light lunch or supper.

The inspiration for this dish came from the wonderful Marshal restaurant in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City.  The tiny restaurant cooks all of its dishes in a wood fired oven.  The smokiness of the wood adds an extra depth to the menu items.  On our first visit a standout appetiser was the Brussel Sprout Caesar salad.

Here is my interpretation.

I wanted a range of textures in the dish, and to get as far away as possible from the overcooked Brussel sprouts of my childhood.

Step 1 - The Sprouts

All that is involved is a bag of sprouts, some lardons, and a bought Caesar dressing.  (You can make your own of course if you have the time!)

Trim any outer leaves from the sprouts and reserve a third.  Cut the bulk of the sprouts in half or quarters depending on their size. Toss these with some olive oil and salt and pepper.

Pop these on to a baking tray and roast until they are tender and tinged with brown crispy edges.  Roasting keeps in the flavour that is often lost when you boil a spout.  When they look like this take them from the oven and allow to cool slightly

Shred the remaining sprouts finely and keep to one side.

Step 2 - The Fry

In a non-stick frying pan heat the lardons gently on a low heat until they start to release their fat, then tip in two thirds of the shredded sprouts.

Cook on a low to medium heat until the bacon pieces are how you like them, crispy, chewy salty flecks of bright pink, and the sprout shavings are crispy at the edges.

Remove from the heat and allow to cool, ready to assemble.

Step 3 - Serve

In a bowl mix the roasted sprouts, the fried shredded sprouts and lardons, and the remaining raw shreds along with your Caesar dressing of choice (Try Mike’s recipe)

The finished dish has the intense flavour of sprouts, charred and fried, and the crunch of the raw, flecked with the chewy salty bacon, all wrapped in the creamy tangy dressing!

Perfect on its own, or a great wintery side dish

Brussel Sprout Caesar salad

  • 600g bag Brussel Sprouts

  • 180g pack smoked bacon lardons

  • 1 jar Caesar salad dressing (Or make yourself - see Mike’s recipe)

  • Olive oil

  • Salt & Pepper


Two as a light meal, or four as a side