The FatSteak Club

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Spud Skins

This came out of a weekend of potato love, having cooked salt and pepper chips, I turned my attention to the classic but humble potato skin. I have to confess, I’ve never actually cooked these before though I’ve certainly put plenty away in my time.

For my first go at these, I thought I would opt for a classic combo and a favourite with us here Clubbers, chorizo, onion and cheese. Nothing more, nothing less.

I can attest that they went down well and I was pleased I made too many so I could over-indulge in them before and after dinner.


Step 1 - Bake your potatoes

  • Set the oven to 180C

  • Rub the potatoes with olive oil and salt

  • Put them in the oven for about 50-60 minutes.
    The insides should give a little with a squeeze when done

  • When cooked, pull out to cool a little

Step 2 - Prep your toppings

  • Chops up the onion and chorizo

  • Sweat this off in a pan on low heat, being careful that nothing catches

  • Slice up the spring onion and set it aside

  • Grate your cheese

Step 3 - Bring it all together

  • With the potatoes cool enough to handle, cut in half top to bottom and then scoop out the insides with a spoon, trying to leave a little inside the skin.
    Keep the potato insides, it makes excellent hash browns

  • Add some cheese, then some of the onions and chorizo

  • Put in the oven until its all melted and crispy

  • Finally, top with spring onions

Spud Skins

  • Potatoes - King Edwards or Maris Piper work well

  • Onion

  • Chorizo

  • Cheese - Mozzarella and cheddar work well together

  • Spring Onion