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Mum's steamed pudding

When it comes to traditional puddings, steamed pudding is right up there and a favourite to most. It's simple to make, versatile with its toppings, loves custard and puts a big smile on everyone's face.

This is one of the first things I learned to cook growing up and it's about as simple a recipe as you could get. I used to cook mine in the microwave but these days I stick it on the hob and steam it whilst the roast is on so it's ready after everyone's finished their main. 

If you do choose to pursue quick gratification and use a microwave, be warned, too long or too high and you end up with a brick you could build a house with. Been there and got the t-shirt! Every microwave is different so you will need to experiment a little with time and power level.

Step 1 - Mix

  • If the butter is straight from the fridge, cube it
  • Put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl
  • With a hand whisk, mix it till it's a thick

Step 2 - Fill

  • Grease a 1 pint pyrex bowl with butter
  • Add topping in the bottom of the bowl
  • Fill with the mixture, there should be a gap of about an inch
  • Cover with greaseproof paper and foil
  • Tie some string around the top to keep it sealed

Step 3 - Steam

  • In a pot with a lid, put a plate or chef's ring in the bottom
  • Fill with boiling water a couple of inches over the chef's ring
  • Put the pudding bowl on the ring or plate
  • Cover and leave to steam on the hob for 2 hours
  • Check the water level occasionally and top up if needed

Step 4 - Serve

  • Remove foil and paper - the pudding should now fill the bowl
  • Put a plate over the top
  • Holding the both tightly, give a shake and flip
  • Give it a minute and gravity should help it come away from the bowl
  • If not, run a palette knife around the side to ease the pudding out
  • Serve with some thick custard

Here I went very heavy with the jam so it's lost a few of it's looks on top but sliced with custard on who cares.
The great thing about this pudding is it how versitile it is. 
Here are some other ideas to try:

  • Any other Jam (One of my favourites is Rhubarb Jam)
  • Add 1 tbsp of cocoa powder to the sponge and some melted chocolate in place of the jam for a full-on chocolate treat
  • Lashings of golden syrup, then some more for good measure
  • Thinly slice some cooking apples and arrange around the bowl, add a tbsn of applesauce in the bottom before filling

As you can see, anything yummy is a winner here. Experiment away and you will be rewarded. 


Jam Steamed Pudding

Weigh your eggs and that's the amount of flour, butter and sugar you need.
This makes enough for 4 people filling a 1-pint pyrex pudding bowl

  • 2 eggs
  • 110g self-raising flour
  • 110g unsalted butter
  • 110g caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp jam or topping of choice