Winging it (again)

Chicken wings are a total pleasure for me - something I have already shared in this blog post.
What you may not realise, despite all of the slow cooking, sometimes I can be a bit impatient. When the desire for wings strikes there isn’t always an hour to wait for them to cook.
Bring on the deep fat fryer! I researched a couple of recipes and techniques and most pointed to 4 - 5 minutes in deep fat is all that is needed, so I just had to test!
Here I tried plain fried wings, salt and pepper wings, and I couldn’t resist putting a twist at the end with my new favourite hot sauce - Frank’s chile n lime.
Would I recommend frying wings over baking? Both work equally as well, speed is on the side of frying, baking the wings gives you more wings ready at the same time, perfect for a party or large group.
Step 1 - Prepare your wings
Joint the wings into three - drumstick, winglet and tip
Don’t throw the tips away - keep to make a decent chicken stock
For a special trim disconnect the skin from the top of the drumstick - you will end up with little chicken lollipops!
Toss half of them with a generous amount of salt and pepper and olive oil
Step 2 - Fry!
Heat your fryer to 170C
In batches fry for 5 minutes, depending on the size of your wings
Take out and drain on kitchen paper
Keep warm in the oven whilst you batch fry the rest of the wings
Step 3 - Toss your wings
Try them plain
Toss the salt and pepper coated wings in more sea salt and fresh pepper
Toss plain wings in your favourite hot sauce
Serve with a blue cheese sauce, celery stalks, or just lots of kitchen roll. Don’t forget the bone bowl too!
Ingredients - Deep fried wings
1 pack chicken wings
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Hot sauce